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We can reduce your costs comparing to other workflows, because we have created software which can create all the files from one common source. This common source is a new BPO file format which can be created easily, then our software do the rest and create files for Revit, Archicad etc.

BPO Files

Our intention was to create the most usable file format of BIM objects which is easy and cheap to create and can be used by the widest audience. This is the BPO file format (BPO stands for BIMporter Published Object) which can be consumed by Architects, Interior Designers and MEP Engineers.

Creating BPO Files

Two software BPO Publisher and BPO Factory Cloud Platform is used to create BPO files. We can create your files or you can do it yourself.

Publishing BPO Files

You have the right to publish your BPO files in BPO format anywhere. You also have the right to create and publish other file formats created by BIMporter software tools directly, like RFA (for Revit), GSM ( for Archicad), SKP (for Sketchup), FBX (for 3ds Max, ARCHLine.XP, CAD Decor, etc), DAE (for Visoft), etc. You also have the right to create and publish any other format derived not directly from BPO file format, like IFC, OBJ, etc.

Importing BPO Files

Architects, Interior Designers and MEP Engineers can import BPO files into Revit and Archicad using our Revit Addin and Archicad Add-on. Revit Families and Archicad .gsm files created by our Importers will have perfect geometries (and MEP connectors) and material definitions with LODs specified. Beside these, importing BPO files instead of using static Revit Families or Archicad .gsm files has lot of benefits due to the flexibility of the import process:

  • - Which data is used is configurable.
  • - How data is used is configurable.
  • - Units automatically converted.
  • - Data can be automatically translated using Brand provided translation files resulting in localized Revit Family or Archicad .gsm.
  • - Architect can create translation file easily to support any language not supported by the Brand.
  • - Architect can overwrite material definitions if he/she is not satisfied with those provided by the Brand.
  • - Revit Family can be lightweight and can contain just those types of the products the Architect really needs.

Converting BPO Files to FBX or SKP or DAE Files

Architects, Interior Designers who are only interested in rendering can convert BPO files to FBX files and use them with different software like 3ds Max, ARCHLine.XP. Or they can create SKP files for Sketchup. They can also create DAE files for ViSoft or CAD Decor. They can use our BPO Viewer to export these file formats from BPO files.

Reusing BPO files

BIMporter plans to support more software in the future. The already published BPO files can be used without any further actions required.