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If you have your product design files, then you can turn them to files can be consumed by Revit, Archicad, SketchUp, ViSoft, 3ds Max and ARCHLine.XP, etc. by using our cutting-edge technology. We teach you how you can do it. Don't worry, it is super easy to learn! This costs only 3€+VAT/Product.


You can create BPO files using two software, BPO Publisher and BPO Factory.

You can use BPO Publisher to organize and upload your product-data (including geometries, materials, MEP Connectors, BIM data etc.) to BPO Factory.

BPO Factory manages your payments and creates your BPO files.

BPO files can be downloaded and published, or you can turn them to Revit RFA, Archicad GSM, SketchUp SKP, FBX, DAE files with our BPO Importer and BPO Viewer.

There is one important requirement on your production speed. You have to create minimum 20 BPO files in each subsequent month from the date of registration. (BPO file can be created in 15 minutes to 60 minutes.) If you can't produce your files at least with this speed, your BPO Factory membership will be terminated.

If you are interested, we will register you into the BPO Factory and teach you how to use our BPO Publisher.

Please contact us for more the details.